
There’s nothing better than a cool icy popsicle on a summer’s day… especially when it’s got alcohol in it! These little pops are like having a refreshing margarita – but more fun and playful! They’re perfect for holidays like 4th of July! These aren’t quite as strong as drinking a margarita – primarily because if the alcohol percentage is too high, they won’t freeze – but they still do have quite a kick! To give you an example, a typical margarita has 2-3 oz of alcohol in it – each one of these has about .6 oz. Not bad for a sweet, icy treat!

Just remember – if the alcohol percentage is over 8%, it won’t freeze and you’ll end up with a gloopy mess. If your alcohol is under 8% (like some beers!) you can freeze it directly. Or for wine pops it’s about 50-50 (frosé anyone?).

My popsicle molds are 3.25 oz each (available here on Amazon) - and there are 10 spaces, so I used a batch of about 30 oz and split it between the 10 molds.

Depending on your mold, you might need to adjust the ratios you use, and do some math – but the instructions are the same! Here’s the math in case you do. Most tequila is about 44% ABV, so we will use that for this equation.

A quick formula for how much liquor should be in your popsicle, is as follows:

Liquor Volume per popsicle  = (8%) x (Mold Volume)  /  44% ABV

So my equation was roughly: (8% x 3.25oz)/44% = .6oz per popsicle


Multiply that by 10 for my mold, and my batch should have 6 oz of liquor in it! So, here we go! 


½ cup blanco tequila

¼ cup triple sec or orange liqueur

¾ cup fresh lime juice

1 ¾ cup peach purée (either packaged or just blend up some fresh peaches)

½ cup jalapeno simple syrup (leave out the jalapeño if you don’t lie spice!)

Simple syrup: 6 slices jalapeño, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup water


1.     Make the jalapeno simple syrup by combining the jalapeño slices, sugar and water in a saucepan, bring to a boil then reduce to a simmer and let simmer for 3-5 minutes until spicy. Remove the slices and let cool.

2.     In a blender, combine your peach purée, tequila, triple sec, lime, and jalapeño simple syrup and blend until combined. Taste for flavor (add more lime or syrup as needed).

3.     Let settle, then scoop off a bit of the frothy top, as it will rise to the surface while it freezes.

4.     Pour into your mold, and freeze overnight or for at least 8 hours. Enjoy!

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